Who do you hire?

#hiring, #hiring_tips, #leadership

As a leader, you are also responsible of hiring new teammembers. But who do you hire? Do you just hire based on skills? I hope not. Personality is important to, not? But which one is the most important? I hope you say "Personality". Why? First of all, technical skill can be taught, and much faster than personality skills.

Why else should you value personality over skills? If you have to expand your team, you have to be sure the new team member fits the team. He or she has to have the same values, preferrably the same mindset. He or she has to be a teamplayer. If the current team members are collaborating with each other, and the new asset is not, you probably create tension within the team. I hope you can handle it.

If you compose a team of all leaders, you might have a power struggle on your hand. If you hire all lone rangers you probably miss out on collaboration and communication. A DISK, MBTI or a True Colors test might help you determine the personality types of your team. It can also help you narrow down your list of possible candidates.

Besides that, you can also create a list of skills and talents you are lacking in your team and trying to find them in the new teammember. It is always a good idea to look for a candidate that complements the team.

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