A team is build, not composed

#hiring, #hiring_tips, #teambuilding, #leadership

As a software developer, I've seen it numerous times. A company needs a team of developers to write an application. Someone is appointed the manager or the teamlead and they hire the 5 best developers they can find based on their technical skills and assume they can work together. Not.

In sports we already know this, but in business we think it works differently. Recruiting the 5 best basketball players does not guarantee you the championship if you are unable to build a team out of it. You would be a better coach if you can recruit 5 mediocre players with complementary skills and the ability to collaborate. Players that will fight for each other, that will go through fire for each other, players that will fix a teammembers mistake.

You also have to be able to find the talents of each of those players and maximize it. You have to know each players weakness and minimize its impact. If a player can only score 1 out of 10 shots behind the 3-point line, you have to forbid him to make even 1 shot. 

Once again, character and personality are more important than technical skills. But don't get me wrong, technical skills are still important. Only second to character and personality.

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