A virus even worse than Covid-19: Excuses

#mindset, #memes, #inspiration

Everybody knows them, we all use them. Even when we shouldn't: Excuses. But did you know they are actually alive? I know it sounds strange, but they are like 'memes'.  And 'Excuses' are the worst memes of all. And they are not as harmless as you might think.

You know, a meme 'lives' for the sole reason to spread. From the moment it stops spreading, it stops living. I believe excuses are like memes. They also have a reason to live, to exist. For an excuse the reason it exists is to keep you from doing what you should be doing. Nothing more, nothing less. As long as you believe the excuse is a legitimate reason not to do what you should be doing, the excuse lives on. But from the moment you reject that reason, and start doing what you have to do, the excuse becomes weak, and eventually will wither and die.

Btw, do you know what worst than an excuse? A good excuse.

Keep this in mind the next time you have an excuse.

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