If you change the way you look at things

#mindset, #inspiration

A rabbi, a priest and a imam step into a bar. The bartender asks them to look through one of the windows of a big black box and tell him what they see. The rabbi looks through a window and says he sees a triangle. The priest claims to see a diamond. The imam swears it is a square. So who do you think is right?

They are all right. The rabbi was looking through a window at ground level. The priest was looking through a window facing the object at 45 degrees, and the imam looked through a top window facing down. They were all looking at a pyramid.

Whatever you see, it's related to your point of view. Remember this when you have a problem you cannot solve. I bet you will find a solution when you start looking at your problem in a different way. If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

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