The one thing every educational system lacks

#teaching, #failure, #mistakes

I was a smart kid. Whatever we learned in school, I picked it up really fast. So, I did not make many mistakes. But when I grew older, my mistakes increased. And I hated it. It underminded my confidence a lot and I fell ashamed, because many of my teachers taught me failing and making mistakes was bad.

Still today, many teachers will punish or shame their students when they make a mistake. It will create fear in people for making them. This will paralize people in the future for even trying something new. 'What if I fail? People will ridicule me. Laugh at me. Think I'm not good at my job."

So, I believe it's time schools and teachers start learning their students how to deal with failure and mistakes. Guide them into the process of learning from their mistakes. Only through mistakes we can learn and adapt. That's the process of growing.

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