Can you have too much confidence?

#confidence, #arrogance, #vulnerability

The short answer: No, you cannot. "But if I have too much confidence, wouldn't I become arrogant?" No, you would not. I know many people think that having too much confidence is the same as being arrogant. But it isn't. I know you probably have met someone in the past who seems very confident about himself. He is bragging about all the things he has done. He tells you how every project he has done was a great success. He seems to have a lot of confidence, and still, it feels like he is arrogant. And he probably is.

Let me start by explaining confidence. For many people, confidence is mainly about good things. Telling others what you're good at, what your strong points are, highlighting your accomplishments, ...And I agree that a part of confidence is indeed emphasizing your strong points. It's the second part about confidence that many don't know about, let alone speak about it. The second part of confidence is admitting what your work points are. Things you are not good at, things that do not come naturally to you. In a way it's being vulnerable. For me, a good definition of confidence is "Knowing what your strong points are and not being afraid to stand up for them, but also knowing what your work points are and being courageous enough to admit them".

"But what about arrogance?" Hmmm, when someone is only bragging about their strong points and accomplishments, without admitting or sharing any failures, setbacks or mistakes, chances are they are hiding and covering their work points. They actually pretend they are better than they really are. And by pretending they are better than they are, they are actually masking their insecurities. Many people are afraid to show any insecurities because they are afraid others will take advantage of it, others will see them as incompetent, weak or having low self-esteem. But actually, by showing your insecurities you are being vulnerable, and according to Brenee Brown, there is power in vulnerability.

So arrogance is a sign of insecurity. Once you know this and start to recognize it, it becomes clearer and clearer that you cannot have too much confidence. Confidence and arrogance are opposites. When your confidence grows, your arrogance declines. When your confidence is low, chances are you are coming across as arrogant when you are afraid to be vulnerable.

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