I don't like 'people-managers'

#management, #leadership, #semantics, #peoplemanagers, #people-managers

I have a thing about semantics, I admit. Ever since I saw the documentary 'What the bleep do we know?', I believe there is a certain energy in words. I also believe there is a mutual impact on the words you choose to use and how you will act on the word as well. Take the word 'manage' for instance. For me there is a very high energy on the word that implies a level of 'control' on the thing you manage.

That's why I believe you can manage your budget, your assets, portfolio, car fleet, shipping, orders, deliveries, invoices, ... But when it comes to people, it becomes tricky. I don't believe you can 'manage' people. You don't have control over people. do you? Well, unless you want to treat people like common resources, assets or even worse, like slaves.

When it comes to people, you can only lead them. That's why it's so important for project managers, product managers, sales managers, ... to understand the difference between the people in their team and the projects, products, or sales they actually manage. They have to understand they have to start managing the work instead of the people, and lead the people by motivating, inspiring, stimulating, and supporting them.

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