Why people do not like to take responsibility

#agile, #responsibility, #authority

If you hear the word 'responsibility', what's the first thing that comes to mind? You will be the one to blame when things go wrong? Hmm, I feel you. In many companies people are only responsible for the end result. And if they do not deliver, they are held accountable. How can you expect people to take responsibility if they are not allowed to choose when to work, what tools to use, how to organize their work or set their own workflow? That's why people don't like to take responsibility.

In many companies, people seem to have responsibility, but still need to ask permission to make any changes or do things differently. This is not responsibility. This is playing the blame game. That's why many Agile Transformations are going wrong. We do not actually give responsibility to employees. As long as managers, CEO's or anyone in charge of people are not giving people the authority to make decisions on their own, and giving them the opportunity to fail and learn, they are still playing the blame game, but in a different way.

When we give responsibility to people, we forget one very important thing: we don't give them the authority to make decisions. If you are responsible for the result, you also should be responsible for how to create that result. Meaning: choosing how to organize your work, When to work, what tools to use, setting your own workflows, etc. For me it also means that a team should be at least involved in the hiring process of a new colleague for the team. Honestly, they know better what skills to look for and what personality best fits the team. In the end, they have to work with this person.

"But the people in my company are not able to take responsibility". Really? Then teach them. And if they cannot be taught, find some who at least can.

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