We need more Martyrs


A few weeks back, I was at a wedding, and during the service in church, I started looking around. Merely to keep my emotions under control. (Yes, these events tend to move me into tears). I noticed quite a few paintings about people being stoned, crucified, lynched, roasted, burned, etc. I remembered that in the early years of Christianity, people were tortured to death because of their believe and faith in Jesus and God. Anyway...

At that moment I realized those martyrs were willing to put their lives on the line because of what they believed in. And I also realized that today, we don't see to many martyrs anymore. I mean, how many people are willing to even put their job on the line? I know of a company that put a loyal employee on non-active because of the wrong nationality (He comes from Iran). The guy has been working for the company for 2 years, lives in Belgium with his wife and is learning Dutch. All because of US Regulations.

We need more people who dare to ask the difficult questions, who have the courage to say 'No' and to open up the cesspool. So, if you have someone like that working in your company, maybe you should have a conversation with him or her. Because maybe they are on to something valuable. New ideas, insights and knowledge come from the minority. By the time it becomes mainstream, it might be too late.

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