1-min reads

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'How can I help?'

Recently, I have been watching the medical series "New Amsterdam". It's about a medical doctor who becomes the medical director of one of the oldest public hospitals in the US. Not that unusual, but striking to me is, that every time someone comes to him, his first question always is "How can I help?".
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KPI's are sending the wrong message

Right after college, I enrolled in an insurance company that adopted the Multi Level Marketing strategy. In the beginning, you had to focus on sales. Even more because your commission was based to
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I don't like 'people-managers'

I have a thing about semantics, I admit. Ever since I saw the documentary 'What the bleep do we know?', I believe there is a certain energy in words. I also believe there is a mutual impact on the
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What is 'Agile' really about?

Over the past decade, I've been part of multiple scrum teams, as a developer or as a Scrum Master. And I have to say, not many people really know what Scrum or Agile is about. Even for me, it took a
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Solving problems cannot be measured in time

Let me ask you a question. How long will it take to run a marathon? 2 hours? 4 hours? Ahh. it depends. It depends on who is running the marathon. An experienced runner will probably finish sooner than
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Do you work in a complicated or a complex environment?

Building a car is complicated. But you can divide it into smaller chunks of work to be done. That's the reason you can create an assembly line to build a car. Another property of a complicated system
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The 2 fallacies for not hiring freelancers

Sometimes I apply for a job on the payroll. Every time I hope I can convince the company to hire me as freelancer. But it rarely works.And it makes me a bit angry, because I know I'm a good fit for
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Can you have too much confidence?

The short answer: No, you cannot. "But if I have too much confidence, wouldn't I become arrogant?" No, you would not. I know many people think that having too much confidence is the same as being
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The one thing every educational system lacks

I was a smart kid. Whatever we learned in school, I picked it up really fast. So, I did not make many mistakes. But when I grew older, my mistakes increased. And I hated it. It underminded my
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Do you work in a Trusting Team?

In sports we already know. If you don't have a team, you will not win any games. And with team, I don't know just a group of players. A team is more than just a group of players. It has to be a team:
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