1-min reads

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If you change the way you look at things

A rabbi, a priest and a imam step into a bar. The bartender asks them to look through one of the windows of a big black box and tell him what they see. The rabbi looks through a window and says he
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How do you measure experience?

You're the leader of a shipping company and you want to hire an experienced captian. How do you determine the experience of the applicants?
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A virus even worse than Covid-19: Excuses

Everybody knows them, we all use them. Even when we shouldn't: Excuses. But did you know they are actually alive? I know it sounds strange, but they are like 'memes'.  And 'Excuses' are the worst
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An example of really bad ROI

A few years back, I was working for an energy company. When I started, they were investing a lot in making the company and the department more agile. There was a full time Agile Coach available. He
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Why incentives are bad

You see it all around you, and especially in sales departments. The employee who will sign the most contracts by a certain date, will win a 10 cruise, or something like that. And in some way,
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You can't 'win' in business

According to James P. Carse, you have 2 kind of games. Finite Games and Infinite Games. In Finite Games you know your opponent, you have fixed set of rule, and you have an agreed upon objective.
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Freelance vs Payroll

I am an entrepreneur. That means I have my own business. Since 2012 I've been working as a freelancer. And I really like it. But from time to time I find a really exciting role, mostly in management.
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At the center of all our problems is us

I've seen it multiple times. A young team of developers is starting to implement Scrum. In short, Scrum is a framework that improves productivity and creativity, and deals with complex problems. It
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A team is build, not composed

As a software developer, I've seen it numerous times. A company needs a team of developers to write an application. Someone is appointed the manager or the teamlead and they hire the 5 best developers
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Who do you hire?

As a leader, you are also responsible of hiring new teammembers. But who do you hire? Do you just hire based on skills? I hope not. Personality is important to, not? But which one is the most
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